// Install Microsoft TTF core fonts on Fedora without using a RPM package

When Fedora 15 Lovelock was just a few days old, the generally known commands to build an appropriate package did not work.1) Therefore (and because I think it is a bit extreme to create a package just to get some fonts), I wrote install-msttcorefonts-fedora.sh to make the font installation faster and easier. There is a high probability that this script will never be useful to someone else than myself. But you never know. If you want to use it:

  1. Open a terminal.
  2. Run the following commands to download and start the script (copy and paste recommended):
    wget "http://blog.andreas-haerter.com/_export/code/2011/07/01/install-msttcorefonts-fedora.sh?codeblock=1" -O "/tmp/install-msttcorefonts-fedora.sh"
    chmod a+rx "/tmp/install-msttcorefonts-fedora.sh"
    su -c "/tmp/install-msttcorefonts-fedora.sh"
At least for me. There were buildprereq and prereq errors. However, it seems to work in the meantime.


No. 1 @ 2011/07/01 11:47

What's wrong with the metrically compatible Liberation fonts?

No. 2 @ 2011/07/01 12:38

@Kevin Kofler: Well, nothing for self-created documents. But there are tons of external, third-party documents and websites to display. And I want to be able to view them correctly (=without fallbacks, wrong fonts and stuff). What are you doing when e.g. a website is using Arial only … or am I missing something?

No. 3 @ 2011/07/03 13:08

Great howto - works without any problem. Thanks a lot.

No. 4 @ 2011/07/14 15:33

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! I've been looking for a way to get these since I upgraded. I still have problems with the terminal, and unless I see a command explicitly written out - - including which directory to run it from and how to get there - - I'm lost. You've saved me a lot of grief.

As to why I need the Core fonts, I taking some graduate courses, and the Profs, to a one, demand that I use Times New Roman in my papers. I've been dinged several times - - until I found and downloaded the cores in 14, and now I have them in 15, again!!!

No. 6 @ 2011/07/27 10:09

Thank you very much for this script!

No. 7 @ 2011/08/25 17:59

Thank you this worked great!!! You were really helpful! Keep up the good work :)

No. 8 @ 2011/09/17 02:18

Thank you very much. I just started using Fedora, and I don't have the technical knowledge to build my own rpm to install the fonts. I ran this script and it worked flawlessly. Exceptionally helpful, saving me a great deal of time.

No. 9 @ 2011/09/19 16:40

tq very much :)

No. 10 @ 2011/11/15 19:14

this worked great! thanks a lot!

No. 11 @ 2012/02/08 15:59

Worked great! Thanks!

No. 12 @ 2012/02/28 03:53


This is great for noob like me. Tks a lot.

No. 13 @ 2012/03/14 08:23

Thanks a lot!

[…] blog.andreas-haerter.com […]

No. 15 @ 2012/10/08 15:22

Try this instead …

rpm -i https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/mscorefonts2/rpms/msttcore-fonts-installer-2.2-1.noarch.rpm

This rpm installs the fonts from sourceforge at install time, it does not contain the fonts. In addition, it pulls in updated fonts from the EUupdate font set, and installs the fonts correctly to X core and Xft.

saurabh shabdik
No. 16 @ 2014/02/09 23:14

Its working on Fedora 20 Gnome. Thanks a lot.

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